2. Installation

2.1 Co:Z Toolkit for z/OS

This section explains how to install the Co:Z Toolkit on z/OS. Once the toolkit is installed, individual components can be configured for use. For component configuration details, consult the user's guides (referenced in Chapter 1, Introduction).

For questions, please visit the Dovetailed Technologies Co:Z Forum

  1. Download the Co:Z z/OS self-extracting installer file (download available from coztoolkit.com).

  2. Upload coz-vv.rr.mml.bin file to the z/OS zFS file system. Make sure you transfer the file with a binary mode transfer option.

  3. In a z/OS UNIX shell, verify that the cksum command (cksum coz-vv.rr.mml.bin) results match the checksum values provided.

  4. The installation script requires a small amount of temporary space to run successfully. Ensure that your /tmp file system is not full.

  5. The installing userid should be either UID=0 or have BPX.SUPERUSER authority or have both BPX.FILEATTR.APF and BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTL authority. These permissions are required in order to enable APF authorization on the ssh-socket-info utility and to mark Co:Z SFTP programs as program controlled. If these permissions are not available during installation, the product will still install but may not work properly if SMF recording is enabled. See the Enabling SMF recording section in the Co:Z SFTP User's Guide for additional information.

  6. Make the installer file executable:

    $ chmod +x coz-vv.rr.mml.bin
  7. Run the installer:

    $ ./coz-vv.rr.mml.bin
    This software is licensed under the Co:Z Community License Agreement available
    for review at https://coztoolkit.com/docs/coz/licenses.html or as part of this 
    install package in file LICENSE (the "License").
    Please read the License carefully.  The License sets forth the terms on which
    Dovetailed Technologies, LLC, a U.S. Missouri limited liability company, makes
    available the Co:Z Co-Processing Toolkit for z/OS at no charge for download,
    installation and use by the community. 
    By downloading, installing, or using the software, you acknowledge that you 
    have read, understand and agree to be legally bound by the License.         
    Are you installing, managing, operating, or supporting this software on behalf 
    of an outsourcing customer or other third party? (yes or no)
    Will an outsourcer or other third party be installing, managing, operating, or 
    supporting this software on your behalf? (yes or no)
    Do you agree to the above terms and the License? (yes or no)
    Enter home directory (/usr/local/coz) : 1
    /usr/local/coz is not an existing directory, create it? (y/n) : 
    Enter new or existing target PDSE load module library name (SYS1.COZ.LOADLIB): 2
    The PDSE load module library 'SYS1.COZ.LOADLIB' does not exist, create it? (y):
    /usr/local/coz/loadmodules/COZBATCH -> //'SYS1.COZ.LOADLIB(COZBATCH)': executable
    /usr/local/coz/loadmodules/COZLNCH -> //'SYS1.COZ.LOADLIB(COZLNCH)': executable
    Enter new or existing PDS for Co:Z Sample JCL and PROCs (SYS1.COZ.SAMPJCL): 3
    The PDS 'SYS1.COZ.SAMPJCL' does not exist, create it? (y):
    /usr/local/coz/sampjcl/@@README -> //'SYS1.COZ.SAMPJCL(@@README)': text
    /usr/local/coz/sampjcl/COZCFGD -> //'SYS1.COZ.SAMPJCL(COZCFGD)': text
    /usr/local/coz/sampjcl/COZPROC -> //'SYS1.COZ.SAMPJCL(COZPROC)': text
    Enter PATH directory in which to create command symlinks or 'none' (/usr/local/bin): 4
    created symlink /usr/local/bin/catsearch -> /usr/local/coz/bin/catsearch
    created symlink /usr/local/bin/cozserver -> /usr/local/coz/bin/cozserver
    created symlink /usr/local/bin/cozsftp -> /usr/local/coz/bin/cozsftp
    created symlink /usr/local/bin/fromdsn -> /usr/local/coz/bin/fromdsn
    created symlink /usr/local/bin/pdsdir -> /usr/local/coz/bin/pdsdir
    created symlink /usr/local/bin/read_passwd_dsn.sh 
                       -> /usr/local/coz/bin/read_passwd_dsn.sh
    created symlink /usr/local/bin/saf-ssh-agent -> /usr/local/coz/bin/saf-ssh-agent
    created symlink /usr/local/bin/safauth -> /usr/local/coz/bin/safauth
    created symlink /usr/local/bin/todsn -> /usr/local/coz/bin/todsn
    created symlink /usr/local/bin/zsym -> /usr/local/coz/bin/zsym
    FOMF0303I /usr/local/bin/ssh-socket-info: chattr() error: rv=-1, errno=8B, rsn=0924041A 5
    Unable to set extended attributes for program bin/ssh-socket-info
      - see installation guide for more informantion
    You should update user profiles so that MANPATH contains: /usr/local/coz/doc/man
    *** Co:Z Installation complete  ****
    (see README and LICENSE in install root directory for more information)

    Enter the name of a new or existing zFS or HFS directory that will become the top-level "home" directory for the Co:Z Toolkit installation. This directory must be in a filesystem that is writable by the installing user and contains 12MB of free space. If you supply the name of an existing directory that is not empty, you will be prompted to continue, as it is not generally advisable to overlay an existing installation with a new version.


    The fully-qualified name of the PDSE library to contain the Co:Z Launcher and Co:Z Batch program objects. If this dataset exists, it must be a PDSE and existing Co:Z load modules will be replaced.


    The fully-qualified name of the PDS library to contain sample JCL for the Co:Z Toolkit. If this dataset exists, if must be RECFM=FB,LRECL=80 and existing members with the same names will be replaced.


    Several Co:Z Toolkit Unix commands, such as cozsftp, fromdsn, todsn, etc. should be made available in user's PATH. One option is to customize /etc/profile to add <COZ_HOME>/bin to the PATH, but an alternative is to create symbolic links in an existing PATH directory to the Co:Z user commands in <COZ_HOME>/bin.

    To have the installation script create symbolic links, enter the name of the existing directory in which to create the links, or none to skip. When creating symlinks, this script will prompt you before replacing existing symlinks or files.

    The <COZ_HOME>/install/create-symlinks.sh script can be used to create these links at a later time, or to replace links to one Co:Z home directory (version) with links to another. See the comments in this script for more information and example usage.


    These messages will appear if the installing userid does not have READ access to the BPX.FILEATTR.APF SAF resource. Co:Z will install properly and can be used, but the SMF socket information is not guaranteed to be accurate. A similar error will occur if BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTL permission is not available to mark Co:Z SFTP programs as "program controlled"

  8. z/OS OpenSSH is a prerequisite for Co:Z. Proper configuration and tuning of z/OS OpenSSH can greatly improve overall performance, specifially for z/OS ssh client startup times. See our IBM z/OS OpenSSH - Quick Install Guide for additional information.

  9. Review the @@README member of the PDS containing Co:Z Sample JCL and PROCS. Review the following component specific members ensuring that they have been correctly tailored for your configuration by the installation process:

    • Co:Z Launcher and Dataset Pipes: COZPROC and COZCFGD

      • The RUNLNCH, RUNLNCHK, and RUNLNCHP are basic Co:Z Launcher samples using different authentication methods. Additional examples can be found in the User's Guide.


      • While other samples are provided, the SFTPSAMP member contains sample JCL for the perferred method of using the Co:Z SFTP client in batch. These samples use the Co:Z SFTP batch scripts installed in <COZ_HOME>/samples/sftp_batch. See Using the Co:Z SFTP client in batch in the User's Guide for additional information.

  10. For additional configuration and usage information, refer to the indiviual component User's Guides:

2.2 Co:Z Target System Toolkit


These steps are required only if you wish to use POSIX as a Target system for the Co:Z Launcher or the Dataset Pipes commands remotely. You do not need to install Co:Z on a remote system in order to use Co:Z SFTP.

Configure and test sshd

Most Linux and Unix distributions include OpenSSH. Follow the instructions for your operating system for installing and configuring the OpenSSH server (sshd) on your system.

  1. Test logging into ssh locally

    linux$ ssh <userid>@localhost
    The authenticity of host 'localhost (' can't be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is cc:7c:3d:b5:3e:43:5a:6f:12:e2:1a:af:80:45:ae:fa.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning: Permanently added 'localhost' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
    <userid>@localhost's password: ******
    linux$ logout
    Connection to localhost closed.
  2. Test Linux ssh from z/OS:

    Repeat the above test from your z/OS userid to confirm that there are no firewall issues.

    ZOS$ ssh -p <port> <userid>@linux_host

Build and Install Co:Z Target System Toolkit

Note: These sources have been tested on a variety of POSIX systems, but we offer no guarantees for your particular system. If you have difficulty building, please feel free to contact us regarding our testing and certification schedule.

  1. Transfer (in binary) the Co:Z Target System Toolkit source tarball coz-toolkit-v.r.m.tar.gz from the website downloads page to your target system.

  2. Extract the source:

    $ tar -xzvf ../coz.v.r.m-src.tar.gz
  3. Build:

    AIX Note: If you wish to build with xlC, you will need to export CXX=xlC and export CXXFLAGS=-qarch=pwr5 prior to the following steps.

    $ cd coz-toolkit-v.r.m
    $ ./configure
    $ make
  4. Install:

    Note: root access will be required to install at the default location, which is /opt/dovetail/coz

    # make install

Note: the installation directory must be in the default PATH used when logging into sshd. On some some distros, you may need to update /etc/profile to add these binaries to PATH.

Saint Charles, Missouri
+1 636.300.0901

Copyright© 2009 - 2025 Dovetailed Technologies, LLC. All rights reserved. Co:Z® is a registered trademark and Co:Z Toolkit™ is a trademark of Dovetailed Technologies, LLC.

Saint Charles, Missouri
+1 636.300.0901

Copyright© 2009 - 2025 Dovetailed Technologies, LLC. All rights reserved. Co:Z® is a registered trademark and Co:Z Toolkit™ is a trademark of Dovetailed Technologies, LLC.