Appendix D. Dataset Name Determination

When issuing a put command to create a dataset, or get to a local dataset using the cozsftp client, the resulting dataset name is determined as follows:

put myfile //HLQ.LEVEL  (a remote client using the Co:Z SFTP server)
get myfile //HLQ.LEVEL  (using the cozsftp client)

Table D.1. Dataset Name determination

CaseConditionDataset NameNotes
1HLQ.LEVEL is a Sequential DatasetHLQ.LEVELReplaces existing SEQ dataset
2HLQ.LEVEL is a PDSHLQ.LEVEL(MYFILE)Creates or replaces member named MYFILE in PDS
3HLQ.LEVEL is not a dataset, but HLQ.LEVEL.XXX names exist in catalogHLQ.LEVEL.MYFILECreate or replace SEQ dataset
4HLQ.LEVEL is not a dataset, and no HLQ.LEVEL.XXX names exist in catalogHLQ.LEVELCreates new SEQ dataset

In most cases, this is acceptable behavior. However, there are cases where the supplied name should be treated as a dataset rather than a "directory" (as in Case 3 above). If this is the required behavior, a different dataset prefix can be supplied: //! or /-/!.

put myfile //!HLQ.LEVEL  (a remote client using the Co:Z SFTP server)
get myfile //!HLQ.LEVEL  (using the cozsftp client)

Note: In release 2.4.0, this was relaxed so that the '!' decorator may appear anywhere in the data set name.

Table D.2. Dataset Name determination - DSN contains "!" decorator

CaseConditionDataset NameNotes
1HLQ.LEVEL is a Sequential DatasetHLQ.LEVELReplaces existing SEQ dataset
2HLQ.LEVEL is a PDSHLQ.LEVEL(MYFILE)Creates or replaces member named MYFILE in PDS
3HLQ.LEVEL is not a datasetHLQ.LEVELCreates new SEQ dataset

D.1 maxdsndirlevels option

In release 2.4.0, the maxdsndirlevels setting was added to specify the maximum number of levels that a data set name can have before it is always considered as a new file rather than a (pseudo) directory.

For example:

(a remote client connected to Co:Z SFTP server)
sftp> ls -alf //kirk.dsn.test
Volume   Referred  Ext  Tracks    Used Recfm Lrecl BlkSz Dsorg  Dsname
VPWRKC  2013/06/06   1       1       1  U        0  6144  PS    KIRK.DSN.TEST.TST1
VPWRKB  2013/06/06   1      15       1  FB      80 27920  PS    KIRK.DSN.TEST.TXT2
sftp> put local.file //kirk.dsn.test 
Uploading local.file to //kirk.dsn.test/local.file 1   
sftp> put local.file //!kirk.dsn.test  2
Uploading local.file to //kirk.dsn.test
sftp> rm //kirk.dsn.test
sftp> ls /+maxdsndirlevels=2  3  
sftp> put local.file //kirk.dsn.test  4 
Uploading local.file to //kirk.dsn.test
sftp> rm //kirk.dsn.test
sftp> cd //kirk.dsn.test  5
Couldn't stat remote file: No such file or directory 


//kirk.dsn.test is treated as a "directory", since there is no data set with that name but there are data sets at lower levels. Since the sftp client sees a directory, it will create a new file name in that directory. The resulting DSN is KIRK.DSN.TEST.LOCAL.FILE


The use of the '!' character in the DSN will force Co:Z SFTP server to tell the client that it is a non-existant file, rather than a directory. The resulting DSN is: KIRK.DSN.TEST


Setting this option will mean that DSNs with more than two levels are never considered as pseudo directories.


The use of the '!' decorator is not required. The resulting DSN is: KIRK.DSN.TEST


Since this DSN has more levels than maxdsndirlevels, you can not "change directory" to it.

Recommendation: When creating new data sets where it is possible that data sets exist at lower levels, use the //! or /-/! syntax or the maxdsndirlevels option.

Saint Charles, Missouri
+1 636.300.0901

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Saint Charles, Missouri
+1 636.300.0901

Copyright© 2009 - 2025 Dovetailed Technologies, LLC. All rights reserved. Co:Z® is a registered trademark and Co:Z Toolkit™ is a trademark of Dovetailed Technologies, LLC.